To put ourselves in context let’s go back 40 years, we find ourselves in the year 1980, let’s see through the eyes of a young man of 35 years, who saw in a flat and uninhabited land, the hope of a future life for his family. Without knowing it, he made one of the decisions that would mark his life, to start with his first olive tree campaign.
For years he mobilized his energies in that project, a job and his family, time felt more and more but his will and firmness remained, it is in 2006 with the company of his children and wife that he was founded in the city of Tacna, the family business AGROINDUSTRIAS G & M SAC
It is the desire to give added value to the production of olives, to satisfy the demand of the national and international market that motivates this company and that continues to encourage the new generations of this family.